Subotnje kišno popodne. Deca se razmilela put svojih
obaveza, Iv zvala da je priklještila ruku u gradskom busu. Ipak nije nije
strašno. Umorila sam se od nečega, čini mi se, najviše od razmišljanja. Zvala
me Ivana, lepo od nje. Suza odgovorila da će mi pomoći oko bloga. Belini
rezultati sa skenera glave su dobro. Ksen zaista dobila 4 petice, stoji
izveštaj od razredne pored kreveta...
Misli usporene, ali ipak motaju. Pedeset godina, ovde sam
gde sam, povelikom životnom iskustvu dodala pravi suvenir – otkaz sms-om. I to
je to. Idemo dalje... umeo je da mi piše prijatelj tih nekih meseci intenzivnog
raspada jednog od prethodnih mojih života. Da... svakako, posle svakog raspada,
idemo dalje, šta drugo. Deca tražila nešto slatko...
Jutros pijaca sa koleginicom i Ksen. Živa, šarena, životna.
Obožavam pijacu. Izgleda da je i Ksen voli. Sećanja na dane kada je išla sa
tatom, lepa su. Tek jutros se pokazala ta mala devojčica iz nje. Ručak: pileća
supa sa karfiolom, (debeljušne pileće nogice neće niko sem mene), pileća krilca
i salata. Brdo salate, konačno ponovo na meniju. Tezge su ih pune. Dečko iz
Obrenovca, sa malo skupljom ali sa vidno lepšom robom, ostavio najbolji utisak.
Rotkvice koje sam kupila su bile poput deserta slatke. Ipak, dešperatno kišno
popodne… treba nam soul food.
Komp u krilo, zadatak je pronaći slatkiš sa najmanjom
količinom brašna, koje izbegavamo. Kiša dobuje po
krovnom prozoru. Evo ih: Ovseni kolačići. Poput Anđela, sad tako popularnih u
urbanom delu našeg malog sveta. Sviđa mi se njihov sajt, topao, odmeren,
skladan, selekcija ukusa sa merom: Anđeli.
Dozvati kućne anđele mirisom iz rerne, eto rešenja. Svakako
su tu, sve vreme me čuvaju, ovolikih godina, plesanja po mojoj šarenoj kuhinji.
Dok sam tražila recepte, naišla na divan kulinarski blog Tanje
Klaić, Cookam & guštam. Evo njenog recepta za ANZAK kekse, kako je izgleda
anđelima izvorno ime. Dolaze iz Australije i Novog Zelanda, iz velike ljubavi
smišljeni davnog Prvog svetskog rata. Žene ih pravile da šalju vojnicima na
front. Našla sam recept sa pričom, bingo!
Kako baterija za kuhinjsku vagu nikako sama da se namesti,
nije mi ovaj recept bio upotrebljiv, pa sam krenula u potragu za američkom
varijantom. Nedavno sam u Tempu, radosti svoje samo radi, kupila set plastičnih
merica po američkim standardima. Još jednom potvrđena jednostavnost i
praktičnost Amerikanaca, kojoj se mi sa starog kontinenta toliko opiremo.
Četiri šolje ( cela, pola, trećina i četvrtina) rešavaju sve, kakvi grami, decilitri,
menzure i vage... Na Coolinarici , naravno (jer tamo svega ima), našla recept,
i u njemu link na onaj koji mi je upotrebljiv (beskrajno hvala autorki):
Potrebni sastojci:
¾šolje putera
2 cele i 1/3 šolje
ovsenih pahuljica
½ šolje brašna
1 kašikice cimeta
½ kašikice soli
½ kašikice sode bikarbone
1 šolja crnog šećera
1 jaje
1 kašikica ekstrakta vanile
Sišla u prizemlje. Pustila muziku. Conor Oberst, solo album, prvenac, od prošlog leta, preslušavam ponovo i ponovo.
Uključiti rernu na 190 *C, kaže uputstvo. Ples može da
Puter se istopi, u njega dodaju ovsene pahuljice, meša se
dok ne zazlati, nekih 5 minuta.
Sjedini se brašno, so, soda bikarbona i cimet, u drugoj
Šećer jaje i ekstrakt vanile se umute mikserom da blago
Smeša se sve, ako je potrebno, doda se malo brašna ili
putera, po osećaju. Na papir za pečenje se vade kuglice veličine oraha, pritisnu
malo, recimo čašom i ubaci u vruću rernu. ( Hvala Nebojša što si je popravio!,
još jednom i još jednom i svaki put kad vidim precizno ocrtan crveni silikon na
staklenim vratima: Hvala!)
Peku se otprilike koliko traje jedna pesma. Malo će porasti.
Vade se dok su još sasvim meki, ostave da se greju van rerne na toploj tepsiji
još malo. Ako su počeli da dobijaju braonkastu boju, hitno ih izvaditi. Zanela
se plesom i zamamnim Conorovim tekstovima...hundreds
of ways to get trought the day.. .just find one..., prva tura blago jače
Dok sam čekala drugu, pozdravljala razne kućne anđele. Procvetala
je magnolija u dvorištu, ne pamtim da je ovako divno cvetala. Nažalost, kiša je
porušila cvetove na pod terase. Trajali su čitava dva dana. Šteta.
Moje dvorište, projektovano da liči na zemunske avlije, sa pogledom
na druge ljude i druge živote. Moj život...
"Double Life"
It ain't perfect nothing is
There's still room to grow
Feeling different staying in
Made a little home
So when I sit back in my chair
As the evening waits
I don't remember getting here
But I'm glad I came
Don't look down just cross the bridge
And when you get there
You'll know why you did
There's a better life on the other side
It's your double life on the other side
It's your second life on the other side
It ain't simple like before
These are different times
No longer worried about getting bored
Just trying to clear my mind
From all the noise out there
All the spooks all the moving parts
Cameras everywhere I look imitating art
Don't look down just cross the bridge
And when you get there
You'll be glad did
There's a better life on the other side
There's an honest life on the other side
It's your double life
It's your second life on the other side
There's an honest life on the other side
There's still room to grow
Feeling different staying in
Made a little home
So when I sit back in my chair
As the evening waits
I don't remember getting here
But I'm glad I came
Don't look down just cross the bridge
And when you get there
You'll know why you did
There's a better life on the other side
It's your double life on the other side
It's your second life on the other side
It ain't simple like before
These are different times
No longer worried about getting bored
Just trying to clear my mind
From all the noise out there
All the spooks all the moving parts
Cameras everywhere I look imitating art
Don't look down just cross the bridge
And when you get there
You'll be glad did
There's a better life on the other side
There's an honest life on the other side
It's your double life
It's your second life on the other side
There's an honest life on the other side
Druga tura ispala baš kako treba. U nju sam dodala malo
seckanih suvih šljiva. Izvadila, pomalo sa nevericom dok su bili još sasvim
mekani, ostavila da se ohlade na tepsiji. Izvrsni su.
"Time Forgot"
Polished my shoes I bought a brand new hat
Moved to a town that time forgot
Where I don't have to shave or be approachable
No I can do just what I want
I want to walk in that howling wind
'til it scatters all my thoughts
Sit alone on that riverbank 'til I
Forget that I can talk
Just listen
They say everyone has a choice to make
To be loved or to be free
I told you once I felt invisible
And I'm sure by now you see
What I meant is I'm not all there
Until I finally leave
Some loneliness is acceptable
And some's just outright mean
It gets even
Ivy crawls up the garden wall
Builds a ladder towards the sky
Can't be climbed but whose gonna mind
If I claim it can be done
And the sun goes down
And the stars come out
In the distance that I felt I can see it for myself now
Boarding a train to take my memories back
Make up for time that I have lost
I'll never know if I'm delusional
I just believe that I am not
I'm going to work for my sanity
Give it everything I got
Though so far I have cheated death
I know someday I'll get caught
Just living
So here we go man it's beautiful
Get your trumpet get your drum
Keep in time in a second line
It can make you feel so young
I know you say you'll go all the way
But that's not quite far enough
Someone told me that same thing
Some told me that same thing
Someone told me that exact same thing once
Moved to a town that time forgot
Where I don't have to shave or be approachable
No I can do just what I want
I want to walk in that howling wind
'til it scatters all my thoughts
Sit alone on that riverbank 'til I
Forget that I can talk
Just listen
They say everyone has a choice to make
To be loved or to be free
I told you once I felt invisible
And I'm sure by now you see
What I meant is I'm not all there
Until I finally leave
Some loneliness is acceptable
And some's just outright mean
It gets even
Ivy crawls up the garden wall
Builds a ladder towards the sky
Can't be climbed but whose gonna mind
If I claim it can be done
And the sun goes down
And the stars come out
In the distance that I felt I can see it for myself now
Boarding a train to take my memories back
Make up for time that I have lost
I'll never know if I'm delusional
I just believe that I am not
I'm going to work for my sanity
Give it everything I got
Though so far I have cheated death
I know someday I'll get caught
Just living
So here we go man it's beautiful
Get your trumpet get your drum
Keep in time in a second line
It can make you feel so young
I know you say you'll go all the way
But that's not quite far enough
Someone told me that same thing
Some told me that same thing
Someone told me that exact same thing once
Kućni su anđeli nahranjeni, i mirisom i ukusom.
Moja duša? I ovog popodneva u mojoj kuhinji zaigrala
toplinom. Pronašla sam još jedan recept od kog kuća zanosno miriše
dobrodošlicom kad se u nju uđe. Igraću se sigurno dugo sa njim, menjati
sastojke: čokolada, đumbir, banana, rendane jabuke - što da ne, suvo grožđe,
brusnice, suve kajsije, možda malo ražanih pahuljica ili susama, kokosa… Idemo