Odavno nisam pravila neki kuglof, zar ne? Otkako sam na sasvim novom režimu ishrane, čak ni ovaj pun bezglutenskog brašna i sa sasvim malo šećera nije za mene. A opet, nisam odolela - idu praznici, a odavno želim da napravim italijanski panetone, slatki hleb koji se jede u vreme Božića.
Ovog meseca, malena grupa kuglofoljubaca rasuta širom planete, za temu je imala praznični kuglof, pa sam iskoristila priliku da napravim kolač koji dugo čeka na listi. Opet, da bi bio pojeden u našoj kući, unazad oko godinu dana je neophodno da bude veganski.
Pa sam tako pronašla veganizovani recept i krenula u nabavku, u želji da ga pretvorim u još zdraviju varijantu - bez glutena. Nije mi baš uspelo, jer sam ipak morala da stavim belog brašna.
Ovaj kolač nije ni izbliza mek kao italijanski panetone koji sam do sada jela. Više liči na slatku proju, jer su u njemu po čaša pirinčanog, prosenog i heljdinog brašna, a opet jeste pun oraha i suvog voća... i čokolade, pa ima prazničnog šmeka u njemu. Odličan je kao kolač uz čaj, a očekujem da će stajanjem omekšati, jer ga bezglutenska brašna čine podosta suvim.
Priprema je nešto duža nego kod običnog kuglofa, jer se pravi sa kvascem i čeka se i da proradi kvasac i dva puta da se podigne testo. Lepo sam se zaigrala dok sam ga pravila.
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prvo prepržite lešnike i orahe |
- 1 šolja nekih orašastih plodova, prvo preprženih, pa grublje naseckanih - ja sam stavila malo više, akoristila sam lešnike i malo oraha
- 1 paketić kvasca
- 2 kašikice šećera(za u kvasac) plus pola šolje šećera
- 2 kašike mlevenog semena lana, prelivenog sa 6 kašika vode - ili neke druge veganske zamene za jaja
- 6 kašika soka od pomorandže
- naribana korica od jedne pomorandže
- 1/2 kašikice praška za pecivo
- 1 1/2 šolja nekog biljnog mleka, nezaslađenog - ja sma koristila heljdino, koje je malo zaslađeno
- 4 šolje brašna, plus još koliko treba za mešenje - ovo je po originalnom receptu - a u ovaj kolač je stavljeno: po jedna šolja pirinčanog, prosenog i heljdinog brašna i dve šolje belog brašna
- 3 čašike rastopljenog veganskog putera - imala sam sojinog
- 1/2 kašikice kurkume
- 1/4 kašikica soli
- 1 kašikica ekstrakta badema (ovo nisam imala)
- 1 kašikica ekstrakta vanile
- 1 kašika javorovog sirupa
- 1 korica limuna - stavila sam kesicu ribane kore limuna, DrOetkerovu
- 1/2 šilje seckanog suvog voća - suvog grožđa, suve šljive i suve kajsije
- 1/2 šolje rendane čokolade ili čokoladnih kapljica
Tostirati orahe u suvom teškom tiganju, na srednje jakoj vatri, dok ne porumene i ne počnu da mirišu. Mešati sve vreme i paziti da ne zagoru.
Iseckati orahe. Podeliti ih na dva jednaka dela.
Ugrejati mleko na oko 40°C. Toplije mleko će pokvariti kvasac.
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preliti kvasac mlakim mlekom i malo pošećeriti |
Koricu pomorandže staviti u zdelu sa orasima u koju planirate da stavite čokoladu.
Iscediti pomorandžu.
Pomešati vegansku zamenu za jaje sa praškom za pecivo. Treba ovo ostaviti da odstoji desetak minuta, dok se ne zgruša na konzistenciju jajeta.
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vegansko jaje - mleveni lan preliven vodom |
Kvasac pomešati sa četvrt šolje mlake vode i 2 kašike šećera. Pustiti da raste 10 do 20 minuta.
Veće komade suvog voća iseckajte na sitnije delove. Pomešajte suvo voće sa preprženim orasima i koricom limuna. U drugu zdelu sa orasima, onu u koju ste stavili koricu pomorandže, stavite iseckanu čokoladu.
Pola kašike brašna umešajte u svaku od ovih mešavina sa orasima, tako da brašno dobro obloži voće i orahe.
Prosejte brašno, šećer, kurkumu (ona daje žutu boju, koju kolačima sa jajima daju žumanca) i so u veću zdelu. Ako koristite mikser, stavite onu kuku za mešenje testa. Uključite mikser na mali broj obrtaja dok ubacujete sastojke, pa posle povećajte brzinu miksera.
Dok se mikser polako okreće, ubacite u smesu veganski puter, vegansko jaje i sok od pomorandže, ekstrakte vanile i badema, kvasac i javorov sirup.
Dodati mleko, koje je do sada trebalo taman da se prohladi na odgovarajuću temperaturu i pustite mikser da dobro umeša testo.
Kad je testo bez grudvica, prebacite ga na blago pobrapnjavljenu podlogu i nekoliko minuta ga mesite dok ne bude istinski glatko. Može se desiti da će trebati dodati još malo brašna. Pouljite ruke umesto da ih pobrašnjavite, to će kolač dodatno omekšati. Možete masu podeliti na dva dela i posebno svaki mesiti, tako je lakše.
U jedno testo umešajte smesu oraha, korice limuna i suvog voća, a u drugu orahe, čokoladu i koricu pomorandže.
Smese pokrite plastičnom folijom ili vlažnom kuhinnjskom krpom i ostavite da rastu sat dva na toplom mestu, dok ne udvostuče zapreminu.
Podmažite kalup u kojem ćete peći kolač.
Testo koje je naraslo stavite u kalup. Ja sam stavila testo sa čokoladom prvo, pa preko njega ono sa suvim voćem. Tako sam dobila dva sloja. Nemojte napuniti kalup do kraja, jer se testo opet ostavlja da raste pola sata do sat na toplom mestu. Ovog puta ne mora da bude pokriveno. Ako ga pokrijete, nauljite plastičnu foliju, da biste mogli lako da je skinete.
Rernu zagrejte na 170°C i u njoj pecite kolač, koji ste prethodno premazali biljnim mlekom. Trebaće oko 45 minuta za veće kalupe. A testo možete rasporediti i po manjim kalupima, pa će za pečenje trebati manje vremena.
Dozvolite da se kolač u potpunosti ohladi pre nego ga budete sekli.
This recipe is really a piece of cake — a piece of Italian bread cake. It’s a vegan version of panettone: a Milanese sweet, leavened bread that is traditionally consumed around Christmas time in Italy and other European countries as well as Latin America.
As my youngest daughter is vegan, for a year now, and I have to be on a strict vegan diet without gluten for at least a year, we are cooking just vegan meals. So, this cake is a vegan version of a classic Italian Christmas cake. And I made it in a bundt cake mould, so it becomes a bundt cake.
I put rice flour, millet flour and buckwheat flour in it, so it is drier than a classic cake. The original recipe is on this link.
#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be found on our home page. If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send an email to Stacy at foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com. And don’t forget to take a peek at what other talented bakers have baked this month
Toast whole, raw nuts in a dry, heavy skillet over medium heat for a few minutes until fragrant. Stir frequently and watch them so they don’t burn.
Transfer your nuts to a cutting board and chop into small pieces. Divide evenly into two bowls—one fruit bowl and one chocolate bowl.
Heat milk. I did this at this point so I could get the milk past the ideal temperature and wait for it to drop to the correct temperature of 100-110 degrees Fahrenheit as I completed the other steps.
Anything hotter will ruin the yeast, so be mindful of your milk temp.
Zest the orange into what will be the chocolate-flavoured bowl.
Juice the orange and combine 6 tbsp of the juice (if there isn’t enough, feel free to add water) into a small bowl.
Mix in flax meal or egg replacer powder and baking powder. It should sit for 10 minutes to thicken up into egg consistency.
Combine the mix of dried fruit into a 1/2 cup measure and put into the bowl with the nuts. Then, zest the lemon into the bowl, and add the chocolate.
Mix 1/2 tbsp flour into each of those nut mix bowls and stir to coat.
Sift flour, sugar, turmeric, and salt into a large bowl or a stand mixer if you’re blessed. If using a stand mixer, use the dough hook attachment and mix continuously on low speed as you add the ingredients. Then, increase the speed a bit and mix until smooth on the outside.
While mixing continuously, add vegan butter, vegan egg and OJ mixture, almond and vanilla extracts, yeast, and agave.
Add the milk, (which should now be at the correct temperature) and mix (and mix and mix and mix). Seriously, keep mixing… your arms will be very sore like mine were. I used a stiff rubber spatula to mix and sort of mimicked the movements of a dough hook in a stand mixer, I scraped the side and cut into the centre with almost every movement.
Once it looks less lumpy, you can move it onto a lightly floured surface and knead for several minutes until smooth.
Knead the nut/fruit/lemon mixture into one of the dough balls and the nut/chocolate/orange into the other.
Grease the containers the dough will be baked in. Put one mixture on the bottom of a bundt cake, and the other above it.
When fully risen, your dough should be fairly tall over the rim of your container. You can brush the top with non-dairy milk if you’d like.
Bake the cake for 35-45 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Allow cooling completely, transferring to a cooling rack.
You can sprinkle powdered sugar on top for presentation, or if you want to go all out you can decorate with more dried fruits or a chocolate glaze.
Serve this bread sliced like a cake within a couple of days, as home-baked panettone doesn’t last nearly as long as the store bought.
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kupovna korica limuna je možda bolje rešenje od prskanog limuna? |
Pola kašike brašna umešajte u svaku od ovih mešavina sa orasima, tako da brašno dobro obloži voće i orahe.
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možete koristiti koje god volite suvo voće |
Prosejte brašno, šećer, kurkumu (ona daje žutu boju, koju kolačima sa jajima daju žumanca) i so u veću zdelu. Ako koristite mikser, stavite onu kuku za mešenje testa. Uključite mikser na mali broj obrtaja dok ubacujete sastojke, pa posle povećajte brzinu miksera.
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mikser je od velike pomoći |
Dok se mikser polako okreće, ubacite u smesu veganski puter, vegansko jaje i sok od pomorandže, ekstrakte vanile i badema, kvasac i javorov sirup.
Dodati mleko, koje je do sada trebalo taman da se prohladi na odgovarajuću temperaturu i pustite mikser da dobro umeša testo.
Kad je testo bez grudvica, prebacite ga na blago pobrapnjavljenu podlogu i nekoliko minuta ga mesite dok ne bude istinski glatko. Može se desiti da će trebati dodati još malo brašna. Pouljite ruke umesto da ih pobrašnjavite, to će kolač dodatno omekšati. Možete masu podeliti na dva dela i posebno svaki mesiti, tako je lakše.
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kurkuma daje testu žutu boju, a i zdrava je |
U jedno testo umešajte smesu oraha, korice limuna i suvog voća, a u drugu orahe, čokoladu i koricu pomorandže.
Smese pokrite plastičnom folijom ili vlažnom kuhinnjskom krpom i ostavite da rastu sat dva na toplom mestu, dok ne udvostuče zapreminu.
Podmažite kalup u kojem ćete peći kolač.
Testo koje je naraslo stavite u kalup. Ja sam stavila testo sa čokoladom prvo, pa preko njega ono sa suvim voćem. Tako sam dobila dva sloja. Nemojte napuniti kalup do kraja, jer se testo opet ostavlja da raste pola sata do sat na toplom mestu. Ovog puta ne mora da bude pokriveno. Ako ga pokrijete, nauljite plastičnu foliju, da biste mogli lako da je skinete.
Rernu zagrejte na 170°C i u njoj pecite kolač, koji ste prethodno premazali biljnim mlekom. Trebaće oko 45 minuta za veće kalupe. A testo možete rasporediti i po manjim kalupima, pa će za pečenje trebati manje vremena.
Dozvolite da se kolač u potpunosti ohladi pre nego ga budete sekli.
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ako koristite samo belo brašno, kolač će jače porasti |
This recipe is really a piece of cake — a piece of Italian bread cake. It’s a vegan version of panettone: a Milanese sweet, leavened bread that is traditionally consumed around Christmas time in Italy and other European countries as well as Latin America.
As my youngest daughter is vegan, for a year now, and I have to be on a strict vegan diet without gluten for at least a year, we are cooking just vegan meals. So, this cake is a vegan version of a classic Italian Christmas cake. And I made it in a bundt cake mould, so it becomes a bundt cake.
I put rice flour, millet flour and buckwheat flour in it, so it is drier than a classic cake. The original recipe is on this link.
I made this cake specially for #BundtBakers event for this month: International Holiday Bundts. Our host this month, with such a nice theme, is Felice from All That's Left Are the Crumbs.
Bundt Bakers December 2018
International Holiday Bundts
- Bundt Cake of Squashed Pumpkin from Merce`s Cake
- Chocolate Malai Bundt Eggless Cake from Sneha's Recipe
- Dutch Speculaas Bundt Cake from Tartacadabra
- Potica from All That's Left Are The Crumbs
- Vegan Panettone Bundt Cake from Katin špajz
- Weicher Lebkuchen – Soft German Gingerbread from Food Lust People Love
- White Chocolate Cream Bundt Cake from Making Miracles
- 1 cup mixed nuts (use raw so you can roast your own or unsalted roasted)
- 1 orange (for zest and juice)
- 2 tbsp yeast
- 2 tsp + 1/2 cup sugar, divided
- 2 tbsp ground flax (or another powdered egg replacer)
- 6 tbsp orange juice (from orange listed above)
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 1/2 cups plain, unsweetened non-dairy milk
- 4 cups flour, plus more for kneading (I used 1 cup rice, 1 cup millet, 1 cup buckwheat and 2 cups white wheat flour)
- 3 tbsp softened vegan butter
- 1/2 tsp turmeric
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 tsp almond extract
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp agave nectar or maple syrup
- 1 lemon for zest
- 1/2 cup mixed candied or dried fruit of choice (raisins, currants, dried cranberries, dried apricots, etc.)
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips
Transfer your nuts to a cutting board and chop into small pieces. Divide evenly into two bowls—one fruit bowl and one chocolate bowl.
Heat milk. I did this at this point so I could get the milk past the ideal temperature and wait for it to drop to the correct temperature of 100-110 degrees Fahrenheit as I completed the other steps.
Anything hotter will ruin the yeast, so be mindful of your milk temp.
Zest the orange into what will be the chocolate-flavoured bowl.
Juice the orange and combine 6 tbsp of the juice (if there isn’t enough, feel free to add water) into a small bowl.
Mix in flax meal or egg replacer powder and baking powder. It should sit for 10 minutes to thicken up into egg consistency.
Proof the yeast by combining it with 1/4 cup warm water (not over 110 degrees) and 2 tsp sugar in a small bowl. Allow to bubble and expand for 10-20 minutes, it should be very active.
Combine the mix of dried fruit into a 1/2 cup measure and put into the bowl with the nuts. Then, zest the lemon into the bowl, and add the chocolate.
Mix 1/2 tbsp flour into each of those nut mix bowls and stir to coat.
Sift flour, sugar, turmeric, and salt into a large bowl or a stand mixer if you’re blessed. If using a stand mixer, use the dough hook attachment and mix continuously on low speed as you add the ingredients. Then, increase the speed a bit and mix until smooth on the outside.
While mixing continuously, add vegan butter, vegan egg and OJ mixture, almond and vanilla extracts, yeast, and agave.
Add the milk, (which should now be at the correct temperature) and mix (and mix and mix and mix). Seriously, keep mixing… your arms will be very sore like mine were. I used a stiff rubber spatula to mix and sort of mimicked the movements of a dough hook in a stand mixer, I scraped the side and cut into the centre with almost every movement.
Once it looks less lumpy, you can move it onto a lightly floured surface and knead for several minutes until smooth.
Knead the nut/fruit/lemon mixture into one of the dough balls and the nut/chocolate/orange into the other.
Grease the containers the dough will be baked in. Put one mixture on the bottom of a bundt cake, and the other above it.
Let rise again for 30 minutes to an hour in a warm place.
When fully risen, your dough should be fairly tall over the rim of your container. You can brush the top with non-dairy milk if you’d like.
Bake the cake for 35-45 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Allow cooling completely, transferring to a cooling rack.
You can sprinkle powdered sugar on top for presentation, or if you want to go all out you can decorate with more dried fruits or a chocolate glaze.
Serve this bread sliced like a cake within a couple of days, as home-baked panettone doesn’t last nearly as long as the store bought.
What a beauty this is, Kata! Such a gorgeous color inside!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful addition - that color is gorgeous and you packed so many good things in there!
ReplyDeleteThe turmeric gives your cake an amazing color, and all of the additions combine to make such a delicious cake. I am a big fan of panettone, and I have never tried a vegan one before.