Friday, November 23, 2018

pašteta od džigerice

Imala sam gosta danas, dragog drugara kog baš dugo nisam videla. Pa sam, sebično, iskoristila priliku da ispečem jedan recept od milion sačuvanih u folderu: 'obavezno napraviti', pod izgovorom da mi treba jedno pravo 'muško' jelo. Vrlo nedrugarski sam pojela više od njega... Nazvala sam ovo jelo paštetom, mada je pre neki terine ili meatloaf ( mesna štruca). Svejedno kako se zove kad je ukusno, zar ne?

Potrebni sastojci:
  • pola kile mlevene svinjetine
  • pola kile džigerice (pileće, svinjske ili goveđe)
  • kašika konjaka ili rakije
  • kašika suve Madeire ili šerija
  • 3 češnja belog luka
  • 2 pušle peršuna
  • manji luk
  • 1/4 kašikice mlevenog đumbira
  • 1/8 kašikice klinčića - mlevenog
  • 1/8 kašikice cimeta
  • 1/8 kašikice muškatnog oraha
  • 1 kašikica soli
  • 1/4 kašikice sveže mlevenog bibera
  • Malo ljute paprike
  • oko 250 g slanine
Iseckati džigericu i staviti je u sekcalicu sa konjakom, Madeirom, belim lukom, peršunom, lukom i začinima i samleti. Posoliti, pobiberiti i zaljutiti paprikom.

Ovo pomešati sa mlevenim mesom.Ja sam dodatno jom malo blendala u multipraktiku.

U posudu u kojoj ćete peći paštetu poređati sloj slanine, pa staviti mešavinu mesa, džigerice i začina. Sve pokriti slojem slanine.

Posudu sa paštetom staviti u vodenu kupku - postaviti posudu u veću posudu koja je napunjena vodom do polovine visine posude sa paštetom. Peći nepokriveno na 175°C oko sat i po.

Hladiti pod opterećenjem, da dobije ujednačenu teksturu. Ovo možete postići, tako što ćete preko peki papira staviti nešto teško na paštetu. Prohladiti - ja sam to uradila na terasi, pa hladiti nekoliko sati u frižideru.

  • 1 lb ground pork, or chopped pork shoulder
  • 1 lb of (chicken, calf's, or pig's) liver, trimmed of connective tissue, diced
  • 1 Tablespoons of cognac or brandy
  • 1 Tablespoons of dry Madeira or sherry
  • 1 cloves garlic
  • 2 sprays of parsley
  • 1/2 shallot or small white onion
  • 1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon clove
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • Dash of Tabasco or cayenne
  • Sliced bacon - about 1/2 lb

Grind the pork: Grind the pork through a meat grinder several times on a fine setting.

Process diced livers, cognac, Madeira, garlic, parsley, shallots, spices in a food processor: Place in a blender cognac or brandy, Madeira or sherry, garlic, parsley, shallot or onion, ginger, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg. Add diced livers and blend a cupful at a time. Season with salt and pepper, adding a dash of Tabasco or cayenne.

Mix the ground pork with the blended liver.

Layer a terrine dish with bacon and pate mixture: Line a 4x8-inch terrine with strips of bacon, fill with mixture, and cover with bacon.

Place terrine in a water bath: Place the terrine in a larger baking dish and fill the larger dish with water up to the halfway point on the side of the pâté dish. This "water bath" will help the pâté retain moisture and make for a smoother consistency in the texture.

Bake uncovered in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F, for about 1 1/2 hours.

Cool under a weight: Cool the pate under a weight so that it will become firm and fine-textured. To do this, lay a piece of waxed paper or aluminium foil over the pâté and set on top of the entire surface a board weighted with a heavy object. Chill in the refrigerator for several hours.

At serving time bring the terrine to the table, slice, and serve with crusty French bread or rolls and a glass of wine. Also good with lettuce and tomatoes.

Variation: Use chicken livers, pork, and sausage meat in equal quantities. See my second recipe for pâté maison.

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