Thursday, November 15, 2018

#BundtBakers Almond–Brown Butter Mini Bundt Cakes - mini kuglofi od braon putera i badema

Jedan od veoma poznatih francuskih kolača - finansier, za koji do nedavno nisam znala, našao je put do naše rerne. Za njega sam saznala iz Cake Keeper Cake - knjige koju sam iz, još neshvatljivih razloga, rešila da ispečem od korica do korica. Možda je jedan od razloga, što radim to što radim sa tom knjigom, to što neke baš dobre stvari umeju da nam promaknu ako nismo temeljni i uporni. Da ne dužim - evo jednog istinski prefinjenog kolača.

Pomalo neobičan kolačić, jer se pravi sa pažljivo uprženim puterom i koji se umoči šipka vanile. Pa se umuti čak osam belanaca... pa se u njih umuti mešavina brašna i fino mlevenih badema... kažem vam - prefinjeno. Onako po francuski.

Sveplanetarna grupa blogera #BundtBakers (Amerikanci, Španjolke, Indijka i ja...) sa kojom se viruelno i radno družim svakog meseca, ovog se meseca okupila oko teme - kuglof na temu nekog poznatog francuskog kolača. Taman je bila prilika da ispečem osamdeseti po redu kolač iz knjige Cake Keeper Cakes.

Uz to sam imala veliku čast da me tik što sam ih izvukla iz rerne ( i uslikala) iznenadnom posetom nagrade četiri devojke, buduće velike žene, jer su već sada tako divno jake osobe - moje bivše učenice. Istinski prekrasno veče su mi priredile. I još su mi donele kuglof koji su ispekle! Hej - koji divan poklon! Ali o tome u nekom drugom postu...

Nije lako prevesti ime ovog recepta... Beurre Noisette sam prevela kao braon puter, eh... nekako ništa bolje nisam smislila, a ni pronašla na netu. Zapravo je uprženi puter sa šipkom vanile, do te mere da dobije braonkastu boju i specifičan miris na orašaste plodove.

Ovi se kolačići u Francuskoj prave u malim pravougaonim kalupima, pa nalikuju zlatnim polugama, te je to jedno od objašnjenja što ih zovu finansier... a testo je takvo da jako lepo uspevaju i u ovim kalupima za kuglofe.

Potrebni sastojci:

  • 10 kašika (140 g) putera
  • 1⁄2 štapa vanile
  • 1 1⁄2 šolja seckanih badema
  • 1 1⁄2 šolja šećera
  • 1 šolja plus 2 kašike brašna
  • belanca od 8 jaja
  • prstohvat soli
  • 2 kašike ruma

Rernu zagrejati na 175ºC. Podmazati kalupćiće i posuti brašnom. 

Puter rastopiti u šerpici na osrednje jakoj vatri. Prepoloviti šipku vanile i sastrugati seme u puter. I mahunu staviti u puter. Grejati, uz stalno mešanje, dok puter ne postane svetlo braon i ne počne da se širi orašast miris. Za ovo će trebati oko 5 minuta. Treba biti pažljiv jer puter jako lako zagori.

Skloniti sa vatre i ostaviti da se odmori desetak minuta. Izbaciti mahunu vanile i procediti puter kroz gustu cetku. Ostaviti da se ohladi.

Četvrt šolje badema ostaviti sa strane.

Ostale bademe sa 3/4 šolje šećera staviti u multipraktik i samleti. Dodati brašno i mleti još malo.

Belanca staviti u mikser i sa malo soli mutiti dok pena ne postane čvrsta. Onda u tankom mlazu dodavati šećer i mutiti dalje, dok pena ne bude sasvim čvrsta.

Umešati ostale sastojke sledećim redom: trećinu brašna, pola putera, trećinu brašna, ostatak putera i ostatak brašna. Na kraju umešati rum.

Prebaciti smesu u kalupe, a preostale bademe posuti odgore. Peći dok ne porumene i čačkalica ne potvrdi da je gotovo. Pekla sam ih u dve vrste malih silikonskih kalupa i veoma su se lako vadili iz oba kalupa.  

Ostaviti po vađenju iz rerne kolač malo u kalupu, pa ga izvaditi iz kalupa i ostaviti da se skroz ohladi. Obilno posuti prah šećerom.

A financier, formerly known as a visitandine, is a small French almond cake, flavoured with beurre noisette, usually baked in a small mould. The financier is a light, moist teacake, similar to sponge cake, and usually contains almond flour, crushed or ground almonds, or almond flavouring. The basis of the cake itself is beurre noisette (brown butter), egg whites, powdered sugar and flour. Financiers are often baked in shaped moulds. They come in different sizes, shapes, and even flavours; almond is the most popular, but you’ll sometimes come across financiers made with ground hazelnuts or pistachios.
Originally made by the Visitandine order of nuns in the Middle Ages, the financier was popularized in the nineteenth century. The name financier is said to derive from the traditional rectangular mould. Once baked and unmolded, the little cakes resemble bars of gold.
By 1890, the pastry chef Lasne made the visitandines, as they were then called, back in fashion. As his store was located close to the Paris Stock Exchange, clients consisted largely of Brokers, eager to swallow on the go a cupcake that does not stain the fingers. Lasne also had the idea (very marketing ahead of time) to change the oval shape of the original bakery to evoke that of a … gold bullion. The financier was born!

I made this cake specially for #BundtBakers event for this month: French Cake & Pastry Inspired BundtsOur host this month, with such a nice theme, is Lara from Tartacadabra.

    #BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme or ingredient. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about #BundtBakers, can be found on our home page.


    • 10 tablespoons (1 1⁄4 sticks) unsalted butter
    • 1⁄2 vanilla bean
    • 1 1⁄2 cups sliced almonds
    • 1 1⁄2 cups sugar
    • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour
    • 8 large egg whites
    • Pinch salt
    • 2 tablespoons dark rum

    Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Grease a 9-inch round cake pan. Line the bottom of the pan with a circle of parchment paper. Grease the parchment. Dust the pan sides and parchment with flour.

    Melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Split the vanilla bean and scrape the seeds into the butter. Add the scraped pod to the pan. Heat until the butter is light brown and gives off a nutty aroma, stirring frequently about 5 minutes. Watch it carefully, because it will burn quickly after it browns. Remove

    from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Discard the vanilla bean and pour the butter through a fine strainer to remove the burnt solids. Set aside to cool.

    Reserve 1⁄4 cup of the almonds. Place the remaining 1 1⁄4 cups almonds and 3⁄4 cup sugar in the bowl of a food processor and grind fine. Add the flour and pulse to combine.

    Place the egg whites in a large mixing bowl with the salt and beat until foamy. With the mixer on high, add the remaining 3⁄4 cup sugar in a slow, steady stream and whip until the whites are shiny and hold stiff peaks. Fold in the flour mixture in three additions, alternating with the butter mixture and ending with the flour.

    Fold in the rum.

    Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and smooth with a spatula. Scatter the remaining 1⁄4 cup of almonds over the batter. Bake until golden and a toothpick inserted into the centre of the cake comes out dry, about 35 to 40 minutes.

    Let the cake cool in the pan for 10 minutes, invert it onto a wire rack, and then turn it right side up again to cool completely. Dust heavily with powdered sugar before cutting into wedges, and serve.


    1. Katin, I love the background info on these delicious looking little cakes. Excellent job.

    2. Very pretty you did a great job with the theme.

    3. Oduševljena sam receptom i slikama, bravo, Kato! 🌷
