Prvomajski Uranak, na naš način ove godine - radovati se konačno suncu, posedeti na terasi i diviti se ogradi koja je porasla, nastaviti ozbiljnu priču od pre neki dan i biti ponosan na svoje dete, ali onako baš. Jesti voće do podne, ogladneti, upaliti novu Gistro FM emisiju i zaplesati po kuhinji...
ručati, pa razmotriti spisak svojih želja(što bi rekao moj mladi, većno nasmejani kolega - imamo mi Kato neke svoje žurke...):
- pročitati najnoviju američku knjigu iz popularne fizike koju sam skinula sa nekog ruskog sajta i jedva čekam da dođe red na nju
- pregledati domaći detetu koje ga je danas poslalo, ajd' što nastavnica sedi kod kuće za Uranak, ali raditi zadatke danas!
- provaliti o čemu peva ovaj divni glas koji sad slušam... Cowboy Junkies – Powderfinger i pesma na kraju ovog posta i koliko još pesama
- napisati članak o tome kako energija Holly esencije pomaže polju u porodičnim konstelacijama - jer jeste fascinantno i trebalo bi reći ono što sam otkrila
- učiti, učiti, učiti...što bi rekao Lenjin: Zagreb se približava
- pisati rad za master nlp koji me čeka
- pisati seminarski za poredak
- pogledati još koji zanosni novi snimak (kako je lepo danas učiti fiziku...) i pripremiti časove za ovu nedelju...
- videti se sa drugaricama (i drugovima koji zovu na neke svirke u NS... hej...) koje se listom dure ili makar ne razumeju
- spaaaaaaavati bez griže savesti, do podne i popodne...
- napraviti kuglof za sutra...
- pogledati neki film - filmovi još postoje?
- raširiti veš
- posaditi konačno vres u baštu
- biti na čas bez briga i ne raditi apsolutno ništa.
Potrebni sastojci:
- šolja riže, najbolji je arborio, ali je i kočanska poslužila i više nego dobro
- petina šolje crvene riže
- jedan luk
- par čenova belog luka
- tri tikvice
- dve šargarepe
- paket šampinjona
- šaka suvih pečuraka
- dve pune kašike kurkume
- kašika peršunovog lista
- soli i bibera po ukusu
- pola šolje vina - može i ne mora
Jednu tikvicu narendati na sitno sa obe šargarepe.
Druge dve tikvice iseći na kolutove i prepržiti na sasvim malo ulja u posebnom tiganju.
Suve pečurke preliti malom količinom vrele vode, da odmeknu.
Luk, isećen na sitne kockice, dinstati na malo ulja, dodati iseckan beli luk.
Kad se luk skoro potpuno upržio, dodati pečurke (i šampinjone i suve) i dinstati dok voda ne ispari.
Na to dodati rendane tikvice i šargarepu i dinstati opet dok voda ne ispari.
Začiniti, umešati crveni pirinač i kuvati desetak minuta na laganoj vatri.
Usuti pirinač i dve i po šolje vrele vode i kuvati dok se pirinač ne skuva.
Pred sam kraj umešati one pržene tikvice.
Ako niste na un-dijeti, kao što nas dve jesmo, može se dodati parmezan. Mi ga danas ne smemo, ali nam ni ne treba. Ovaj je rižito neverovatno sočan od onih rendanih tikvica i šargarepe. Čini mi se da sam našla način da mi rižoto bude odlične strukture, a da se u njega ne dodaju mlečni proizvodi, poput putera i sira.
Uživati. Ne dozvoliti da vas svakodnevica savlada. Misliti na neko divno mesto... Thinking os A Place - The War on Drugs. Život je čudo.
Ručati sa svojom najmlađom ćerkom i radovati se da ćemo uskoro sve četiri biti za stolom.
It was back in Little Bend that I saw you
Light was changing on the water
Where birds above it flown
There was pain in your eyes
So you vanished in the night
Missouri River in the distance
So I lied upon the lawn
I remember walking against the darkness of the beach
Love is like a ghost in the distance, ever-reached
Travel through the night because there is no fear
Alone but right behind until I watched you disappear
I'm moving through the dark
Of a long black night
Just moving with the moon
And the light it shines
And I'm thinking of a place
And it feels so very real
Just moving through the dark
Once I had a dream I was falling from the sky
Coming down like running water
Passing by myself alight
In the morning, I would wake to the sound of summer falls
Like little whispers through the signs
I'm moving through the dark
Of a long black night
And I'm looking at the moon
And the light it shines
But I'm thinking of a place
And it feels so very real
Oh, it was so full of love!
Come and take my hand, babe
There's a turn in the road that we've been taking
But it'll set you free
Because there's a rhythm in the way that we've been moving
Yeah, there's a darkness over there, but we ain't going
See it through through my eyes
Walk me to the water
Hold my hand and something turns to me
Love me every night
Drown me in the water
Hold my hand and there's something turning me
See it through my eyes
Love me like no other
And hold my hand and something turns to me
And turns me into you
Lead me through the light
Pull me from the water
Hold my hand and something turns to me
Turns me into you
Just see it through my eyes
Love me like no there
Hold my hand and something turns to me
Turns me into you
Turn to me
Into you
Light was changing on the water
Where birds above it flown
There was pain in your eyes
So you vanished in the night
Missouri River in the distance
So I lied upon the lawn
I remember walking against the darkness of the beach
Love is like a ghost in the distance, ever-reached
Travel through the night because there is no fear
Alone but right behind until I watched you disappear
I'm moving through the dark
Of a long black night
Just moving with the moon
And the light it shines
And I'm thinking of a place
And it feels so very real
Just moving through the dark
Once I had a dream I was falling from the sky
Coming down like running water
Passing by myself alight
In the morning, I would wake to the sound of summer falls
Like little whispers through the signs
I'm moving through the dark
Of a long black night
And I'm looking at the moon
And the light it shines
But I'm thinking of a place
And it feels so very real
Oh, it was so full of love!
Come and take my hand, babe
There's a turn in the road that we've been taking
But it'll set you free
Because there's a rhythm in the way that we've been moving
Yeah, there's a darkness over there, but we ain't going
See it through through my eyes
Walk me to the water
Hold my hand and something turns to me
Love me every night
Drown me in the water
Hold my hand and there's something turning me
See it through my eyes
Love me like no other
And hold my hand and something turns to me
And turns me into you
Lead me through the light
Pull me from the water
Hold my hand and something turns to me
Turns me into you
Just see it through my eyes
Love me like no there
Hold my hand and something turns to me
Turns me into you
Turn to me
Into you
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