Tuesday, February 12, 2019

500. post na blogu: ruska kraljevska torta

Mojoj je prvoj milici sutra rođendan. Puni onoliko godina koliko sam ja imala kad sam je rodila, pa taj rođendan eto ima i tu dodatnu simboliku. To je ona moja milica koja je najsrećnija bila kada bi stavila krunu na glavu i obula zlatne cipelice. Tako namontirana se igrala i u kući i u komšijinom pesku. Kako je rasla, tako je i kolekcija tijara rasla. Dakle, potpuno je prirodno da joj za rođendan napravim ovu kraljevsku tortu koju sam nedavno otkrila i koja je baš primerena da obeleži i mali jubilej bloga - 500 recepata na njemu. 

Russian Royal Cake ili Торт “Королевский” ima razne varijante. Za ovaj rođendan sam odabrala varijantu sa višnjama, jer ih ova moja milica posebno voli. Tako ćemo ovog rođendana već koliko puta pravljenu Moskva šnit tortu zameniti ovom. A nekom sledećom prilikom, sigurno ću napraviti i ovu varijantu sa suvim grožđem i kikirikijem. A ima i varijanta sa brusnicama i lešnicima...

Ono što je svim receptima zajedničko je da se peku 4 različite kore, a da je fil svetao - od kondenzovanog mleka ili od krem sira. Dve su  kore svetlije - jedna sa makom, a druga sa orasima - pa ko koje orašaste plodove stavi.... Druge dve su tamnije - sa kakaom - jedna sa čokoladom, a druga sa voćem (višnjama, suvim grožđem ili brusnicama).  Neko kore preseče na pola, pa torta ima 8 slojeva, neki ostave četiri deblja sloja. Vidim da ću se godinama zanimati varijantama ove torte.

Potrebni sastojci:

za kore:
  • 4 jajeta odstajala na sobnoj temperaturi
  • 2 šolje (450 g) šećera
  • 2 šolje (480 ml) kisele pavlake
  • 2 šolje(255 g) brašna
  • 2 kašikice (14 g) praška za pecivo


  • 1/3 šolje maka (za koru br.1)
  • 1/2 šolje prženih, pa iseckanih oraha (za koru br.2)
  • 1/4 šolje kakaoa (za kore br.3 i br.4)
  • 1/2 šolje višanja posutih sa 1 kašikom brašna (za koru br.3)
  • 1/4 šolje seckane crne čokolade (za koru br.4)
  • 1/4 šolje seckane bele čokolade (za koru br.4)

čokoladni ganaš krem

  • 1/4 šolje seckane crne čokolade
  • 1/4 šolje slatke pavlake, ugrejane do pred ključanje

dulće di leće krem

  • 2 šolje (455 g) putera, (puter treba da bude sobne temperature, za šta je potrebno izvaditi ga iz frižidera tri sata pre upotrebe)
  • 2 konzerve kondenzovanog mleka, koje se, neotvorene, kuvaju na laganoj vatri oko 3 sata... e sad... ja sam jednu zaboravila na šporetu pa je ispao pregust karamel, što je dovelo do toga da je fil malo grudvičav 

Rernu zagrejati na 175°C. Ako imate 4 okrugla pleha prečnika 20 cm, možete peći sve četiri kore odjednom. Ako nemate, nadam se da imate dva, jer bi dobro bilo peći dve po dve kore zajednno. Ja imam dva ista od 24 cm, tako da su moje kore tanje od originala. A za ovu tortu ću sigurno kupiti 4 silikonska kalupa od 20 cm... mnogo nam se dopala torta i mislim da ću je često praviti. Kore su savršene teksture, divno su meke, taman koliko treba - ni suve ni vlažne. A to da je kombinacija ukusa beskrajna me dodatno raduje. 

Postavite plehove papirom za pečenje. Namastiti malo plehove, pa zalepiti papir za pečenje na njih.

Pravimo sad kore:

Dobro umutiti 2 jajeta i 1 šolju šećera. Dodati ovome 1 šolju kisele pavlake, 1 kašikicu praška za pecivo, 1 kašikicu ekstrakta vanile i 1 šolju brašna. Mutiti mikserom dok se masa ne izjednači i postane glatka.

Podeliti ovu smesu na dva dela. U jedan deo dodati mak i dobro izmešati. Ja sam stavila mleveni mak, mada je originalan recept sa nemlevenim. Mislim da nije smetalo puno. Sipati ovu smesu u kalup.

U drugi deo staviti iseckane orahe, dobro promešati i izliti smesu u kalup.

Za druge dve kore, mešati jaja i šećer na isti način kao i za prve dve. Dodati i ostale sastojke, samo dodati još i kakao.

I ovu smesu podeliti na dva dela. U prvi umešati 1/2 šolje višanja. Višnje se moraju dobro ocediti, pa se u njih umeša 1 kašika brašna. Na ovaj način se višnje spreče da padnu na dno kore. Ova se smesa izlije u kalup.

U drugu polovinu smese sa kakaom dodati seckanu čokoladu ( ili čokoladne kapljice). Sve dobro izmešati i presuti u kalup.

U mojoj rerni su se kore pekle tačno 20 minuta. Kažu da se svetlije kore brže ispeku i to je možda i moguće, jer su one za nijansu tvrđe bile od tamnijih. Kad se izvade iz rerne, malo ostaviti kore u kalupu, pa ih okrenuti na rešetku da se ohlade do kraja.

Ukoliko nemate 4 ista kalupa, nemojte sve odjednom smešati, jer se neće sve kore isto podići, ukoliko budu dugo čekale umešene, pre guranja u rernu. Ja sam mutila dva po dva jajeta, kako je objašnjeno gore u receptu.


Konzerve kondenzovanog mleka skuvati i ohladiti. Umutiti 455 g putera da postane penast. Uzmutiti sadržaj dve skuvane konzerve kondenzovanog mleka, tako što ćete ga dodavati malo po malo. Dodati i 2 kašikice ekstrakta vanile.

Preliv od čokolade:

1/4 šolje čokolade za kuvanje i 1/4 šolje slatke pavlake grejati da se rastope i mešati da se sjedine. 

Kad se prave deblje kore, može se svaka kora preseći na pola, pa tako filovati torta koja će tada imati 8 slojeva. Moje su kore bile tamad debele da nisu bile za sečenje. A ko voli deblje kore, može ih ostaviti i tako.

Svaku koru premazati filom, kao i celu tortu. Preliti posle i ganaš kremom i ukrasiti ako vam je volja.


Ingredients for Sour Cream Cake Layers
  • 4 eggs large room temperature
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 cups sour cream
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda


  • 1/3 cup dried poppy seeds (for the 1st layer)
  • 1/2 cup roasted chopped walnuts (for the 2nd layer)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder (for 3rd & 4th layer)
  • 1/2 cup tart cherries mixed with 1 Tbsp flour (for the 3rd layer)
  • 1/4 cup white chocolate chips (for the 4th layer)
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips (for the 4th layer)

Chocolate Ganache

  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips (or chopped dark chocolate)
  • 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream (heated until boiling)

Dulce de Leche Buttercream

  • 2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature (remove from fridge for 3 hours to bring to room temperature)
  • 2 cans dulce de leche (1 can sweeten condensed milk = 14 oz)

Turn oven to 350F with the baking rack in the middle. Line four 8-inch round baking pans with foil or parchment. If using foil, spray the foil with non-stick spray. Wet the cake strips and fasten around each baking pan.

Make the Royal Cake layers

In a bowl of a stand mixer whisk together 2 eggs and 1 cup of sugar. Then add 1 cup of sour cream, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp of vanilla extract and 1 cup of flour. Whisk everything until smooth.

Divide the batter between two bowls. To one bowl add 1/3 cup dried poppy seeds and mix to incorporate. Pour this batter into one of the prepared 8-inch baking pans.

To the second half add 1/2 cup roasted and chopped walnuts and mix to incorporate. Pour the batter into the second baking pan.

Repeat step #1, but add 1/4 cup cocoa powder together with the flour before whisking until smooth.

Divide the batter between two bowls. To one bowl add 1/2 a cup of well-drained canned cherries mixed with 1 tbsp of flour (this will help the cherries to not sink to the bottom) and gently fold. Pour the batter into the 3rd baking pan.

To the second half of the chocolate cake batter add 1/4 cup white chocolate chips and 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips and mix to combine. Pour the batter into the 4th prepared baking pan.

How to Bake Sour Cream Cake Layers

Place 4 baking pans into the oven, with the white cakes closer to the oven door and bake for about 20-30 minutes. Do not open the oven until at least 20 minutes into baking. The light cakes tend to bake faster, so check them with a toothpick first. If the toothpick comes out clean, remove the white cakes out while being careful not to keep the oven door open too long. Once a toothpick comes out with only a few crumbs from the chocolate cakes, remove them from the oven as well. Allow the cakes to cool in the baking pans for 5 minutes before inverting them onto a cooling rack and allowing them to cool completely.

If you do not have four 8 inch baking pans, you can mix the batter one or two cake layers at a time. I do not recommend mixing all batter at once and then baking them one after the other, as only the first layer will rise as high as it should, each consecutive cake will be less fluffy and gummier.

Make the Dulce de Leche Buttercream

Make 1 recipe of this Dulce de Leche Buttercream with or without the 8 oz of the Cool Whip mentioned at the end of the recipe.
This cake can also be made with 2 recipes of this Russian Buttercream:

  • 2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 28 oz sweetened condensed milk room temperature (1 can = 14 oz (weight) OR 2 cup + 4 Tbsp (volume))
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla emulsion.... emulsion has vanilla seeds in it so your buttercream will be speckled with vanilla beans throughout

In a bowl of a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment whip room temperature butter, stopping to scrape the bottom of the bowl several times, until it has tripled in volume, and is light and fluffy, about 5 - 7 minutes.

Add 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract or emulsion to the whipped butter. Now add the sweetened condensed milk or dulce de leche in thirds, whipping for about 5-10 seconds after each addition. Don't forget to scrape the bottom of the bowl after each addition.

Make the Chocolate Drizzle

Combine the 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips and 1/4 cup hot heavy whipping cream and allow to sit for 1 minute. Whisk until smooth. Set aside.

Assemble the Russian Royal Cake

Split all cake layers horizontally into two (this step is optional, but I prefer it this way).
Set aside 2 1/2 cups of the prepared Dulce de Leche Buttercream for decorating.

Layer the cake with the remaining Dulce de Leche Buttercream, alternating chocolate, and white cake layers. Fasten a cake ring around the bottom of the cake, and an acetate strip to the top of the cake (that is not covered by the cake ring). Refrigerate for about 2-3 hours to make the cake sturdier and easier to decorate.

Remove from the fridge. Carefully remove the cake ring and the acetate strip.

Take 1/2 cup of the reserved Dulce de Leche Buttercream and set aside (for decorating the top).

Cover the cake with the remaining buttercream and use a bench scraper to smooth out the sides. Place an 8-inch cardboard or bottom of an 8-inch baking pan on top of the frosted cake and continue evening out the sides for sharp edges. Then, carefully remove it and smooth the top with the spatula.

Reheat the prepared chocolate ganache in the microwave for about 5-6 seconds (or until pourable) in 2-3 second increments, mixing after each.

Pour over the top of the cake and spread out with an offset spatula, allowing the chocolate to drizzle down the cake.

Fit a pastry bag with a St.Honore pastry tip (or any star tip), then fill with the reserved 1/2 cup of Dulce de Leche Buttercream and pipe a border around the top of the cake. Sprinkle the top with Milk and White Chocolate Crispearls and edible Gold Glitter if you wish.

1 comment:

  1. Od koliko grama je konzerva kondenzovanog mleka koje ste koristili?
